Important Information About Advance Directives
You have the right to make your own health care decisions. Sometimes, as a result of a serious accident or illness, that may not be possible. You can plan ahead of time for such situations by preparing an Advance Directive that will help insure that your health care wishes are followed. There are different types of Advance Directives:
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order: You have the right to decide if you want emergency treatment to restart your heart or lungs if your breathing or circulation stops. If you do not want cardiopulmonary resuscitation, you should make your wishes known in writing. Your primary Care Physician (PCP) can provide a DNR order for your medical records. You can get a DNR form to carry with you and/or a bracelet to wear that will let any emergency medical provider know about your wishes.
Organ Donor Card: This wallet sized card says that you are willing to donate parts of your body to help others when you die. You can also complete the back of your NYS driver’s license or non-driver ID card to let others know of and how you want to donate your organs.
Living Will: You can give specific instructions about treatment in advance of situations where you may be unable to make important health care decisions on your own.
It is your choice whether you wish to complete an Advance Directive and which type of Advance Directive is best for you. You may complete any, all, or none of the Advance Directives listed above. The law forbids discrimination against providing medical care based on whether a person has an Advance Directive or not. For more information, please speak to your Care Coordinator or your Primary Care Provider. The Prime Health Choice, LLC enrollment packet will contain Advance Directive forms. You do not need to use a lawyer, but you may wish to speak with one about this important issue. You may change your mind at any time. Contact your Care Coordinator if you wish to make any changes.
Health Care Proxy: This is a document that enables competent adults to protect their health care wishes by appointing someone they trust to decide about treatment on their behalf when they are unable to decide for themselves.